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Shaanxi construction machinery shares after the first batch of export pavers shipped smoothly
Release Time:2024-02-21      Author:      Pageviews:1625


On the afternoon of February 21, with the departure order issued by He Weidong, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., the transport vehicles loaded with two pavers drove out of the factory gate in turn and delivered to overseas users.

 As the "founder" of asphalt concrete paver manufacturing in China, Shaanxi Construction Machinery paver has made continuous innovation and continuous iteration and improvement. Last year, it successfully completed the trial production of SUM7200D paver, and at the same time, based on the popularity of the original paver market in the Central Asian countries, it successfully signed the overseas export order of paver.

 In order to deliver the paver to users as soon as possible, all departments cooperated closely, worked overtime to meet the schedule, and completed the production plan as scheduled. After the first batch of four pavers were delivered to overseas users last month, another batch of overseas orders were delivered on schedule after the Spring Festival.

SUM7200C Type paver power, using a new generation of SumEcs intelligent paving management system, good human-computer interface, make the manipulation more intuitive, accurate, automatic leveling system has a variety of more suitable control mode, super rigid hydraulic telescopic single tamper iron plate, can complete high quality asphalt concrete surface, operation more save time and effort.

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