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Riveting and welding workshop "sharp knife commando" completed the tower crane production task
Release Time:2024-02-27      Author:      Pageviews:1649


"Tomorrow morning, the truck will enter the factory to pull goods, three kinds of platform each 10, time is tight, the task is heavy, may have to work all night."" No problem, leave to us."This is a brief dialogue from the work site of riveting class, workshop director Ma Li and workshop dispatcher Yao Junsheng, riveting class monitor Shao Enbo.

 On February 23, riveting welding workshop received the tower crane driver bracket, maintenance platform emergency production task, for the production node, workshop must be completed within half a day at the early stage of the preparation, material processing, process equipment production, blending, welding process, time, heavy task, riveting welding workshop grasped the nettle, with the principle of "production task is charge horn", quickly into battle.

 After receiving the task, Ma Li, the director of the riveting welding workshop, quickly made overall arrangements and selected 11 experienced employees from the front line to form a "sharp knife commando". After counting the materials, he immediately arranged the processing and production. After 22 hours of continuous fighting, the loading was successfully completed at 13:25 PM on February 24th and sent to users. Looking at the truck slowly moving away from the workshop, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


"In this task, we all worked together to overcome many difficulties and fully reflected the spirit of 'a game of chess' of mutual cooperation, the same desire and the ability to fight hard battles, which is worth inheriting and carrying forward by every welder."Said Master Marley.

Since the beginning of spring, all departments and workshops of the company have quickly changed from "holiday mode" to "working state", and each business has been working at full speed to work with full enthusiasm and dedication.

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