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Shaanxi Construction machinery shares intensive to welcome domestic and foreign customers to visit
Release Time:2024-03-11      Author:      Pageviews:1721


Recently, many Chinese and foreign customers in Jiaodong, Central Asia and Malaysia have visited Shaanxi Construction and Machinery Corporation, conducted candid exchanges, established good cooperative relations and sought good development strategies.

Fan Xu, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Construction Machinery, and heads of technology, production and marketing departments accompanied the company. Each customer visited the enterprise culture exhibition center, assembly, electro-hydraulic, machining, riveting, painting and other production workshops, and understood the development process, production and operation management of the enterprise, the quality control and performance characteristics of independent product asphalt concrete paver, tower crane and other manufacturing processes, and gave full recognition.

Through targeted investigation research, the delegation said, shaanxi building machine shares "manufacturing + leasing service" unique industrial chain advantage has become a model of industry, hope to visit each other, enhance understanding, friendship, wider field, higher level of cooperation, establish close collaboration between regional, peer industrial chain and supply chain, contribute to a batch of real cooperation projects, realize the total into mutual win-win.

At present, the industry in which Shaanxi Construction Machinery shares is facing huge market challenges. The company faces up to the difficulties, focuses on customer demand orientation, constantly improves services, carries out multi-directional interaction, and strives to catch up and carry on the "track" of scientific and technological innovation. In terms of tower crane technology development, complete the development of 125-ton meter tower crane STC6017, tower crane lifting mechanism, internal climbing system and institutional test bench; adhere to the principle of independent research and development replacing external procurement and upgrade the electronic control system; in the development of the trial production of national emission standard paver SUM7200D, realize batch overseas export, strengthen the communication and interaction with key customers, constantly provide better solutions to enhance customer identity, enhance customer stickiness, and form a development community.

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