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Shaanxi Construction machine shares held pavers on-site observation exchange
Release Time:2024-05-10      Author:      Pageviews:370


On May 8, Shaanxi Construction Machine pavers on-site observation and exchange conference was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui Province, and more than 120 industry insiders from all over the country were invited to attend.


At the exchange meeting, Fan Xu Cheng, deputy general manager of the company, made a speech, briefly introduced the development history, corporate vision, business philosophy and product research and development in recent years, etc., said that the company launched the SUM-D series multi-functional asphalt concrete pavers, aiming to strengthen the industry standard learning exchange, to provide more high-quality and efficient products and services for the vast market users. It also expressed the expectation of working hand in hand with friends in the industry and seeking common development.


Song Zhishou, chairman of Anhui Liju Group, made a passionate speech as a user representative. He reviewed the history of friendly cooperation between Liju Group and Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., LTD., fully affirmed the achievements of cooperation between the two sides over the years, thanked Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., LTD for its strong support for Yu Liju Group for a long time, and fully appreciated Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., LTD for its excellent product quality and thoughtful service.

The technical director of Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. introduced the performance characteristics and unique advantages of SUM-7200D series pavers in detail with the theme of "Smart pavers, smooth roads". The person in charge of Anhui Pangyuan Company focused on the company's "manufacturing + leasing service + remanufacturing" industrial operation and Pangyuan leasing construction services.



In the afternoon of the same day, the guests came to Hefei City Xiyou Road (Xinqiao Avenue - Jiangling Road) intelligent transportation project site for the first phase of the site observation, the project for two-way six-lane pavement engineering, is currently carrying out the construction of the bottom asphalt mixture. Three sets of SUM7200D asphalt concrete pavers of Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co., LTD were selected for the project, with a paver width of 17.5m, a paver thickness of 8cm and a maximum grain length of 2.6cm. The company's advanced control technology, satisfactory paving effect, efficient construction progress, won the praise of all guests. This visit laid a solid foundation for the company's road machinery and equipment market development.

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